Daily Warm-up and Body-Development Routine:
- Circle hips and knees 5x each side
- Circle body 10x
- Elbow to toes 10x each side
- Pendulum leg stretch 10x each side
- Outside wheel kick 10x each side
- Lying leg stretch 10x each side
- Front/side combination high kicks 10x each side
- Back high kick 10x each side
Standing deep breathing 30 seconds
Power set:
- Raise & lower palms 30x
- Cat stretches forward and backward 10x each
- Cross-legged roll backs 20x
- Back arches 10x
Lying down deep breathing 30 seconds
Stretching set:
- Side split 1 minute
- Sitting side stretch 1 minute each side
- Front split 1 minute each side
- Pigeon 1 minute each side
Circling arms breathing qigong 10x at own pace.