Shaolin Kung Fu Classes

Self Defense

Our school’s number one priority is to teach you to defend yourself. Hopefully you never will have to, but you need to be prepared if it ever should occur.

We utilize techniques from our lineage and teachings from multiple seminars from the highest-ranking teachers and practitioners, including the Shaolin Temple in China. If you go to our Lineage page, you will find more information there.

In every class, self-defense will be taught. Those teachings will include blocking sets, hand weapons, kicks, take downs, throws, pressure point targeting, Chin Na (joint locks), and more.

As is the philosophy of the Shaolin Garden: “It is better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war.”

Part of your training will be Man Da (Up-tempo slow fighting), slower sparring without the required protective gear.

Further, we will learn Ch’an (Zen) meditation to calm our minds in stressful situations such as combat. We follow the Shaolin philosophy of Wu-de, cultivating compassion and wisdom.


We teach fundamental forms during classes. These include blocking sets, Kenpo, Mei Jung, Poke Sets, Tan Tui, two-person forms, Lohan, Ju Jee Chuan, Fu Shin Yi, Fu Shin Er, and weapons forms (see below). These will utilize such hand weapons as Tiger’s mouth, Panther fist, Chicken beaks, Eagle claw, Bear paw, Mind fist, and others. You will learn how to use arm bars, foot sweeps, uppercuts, roundhouse kicks, spinning back kicks, Straight punches, hook punches, and more.

Additionally, you will learn promotional techniques inspired by authentic life situations and how to defend yourself and counter defenses.

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Sparring is also an integral part of our training. When it becomes time to spar in our lessons, you will be required to have a mouth guard, a groin protector or “cup” if you are male, gloves, and a full-face head mask. You will not be allowed to spar without your gear.

If you wish to fight in competitions, these are also required. While we are not a competitive philosophy school, training in our classes will certainly prepare your body, mind, and spirit for combat.

During sparring classes, you may use any of the techniques you have learned in class. You will also discover how to control yourself with force expression, tactics, and agility.

Iron Body Conditioning

Here at the Shaolin Garden, we will strengthen your body, forearms, wrists, legs, and fingers.

We will do this by teaching you static or moving stances, which will encourage your body to gain strength and muscle. We will also use boards, bags, and punching equipment during class.

Stances include Rhino looking at the moon, Lean Forward and Search the Sea, Sitting Buddha and Reclining Buddha, Li Kwai pointing to the winner, and more. This conditioning will also improve your balance and awareness of your body and how it feels before and after a workout. Some consider it cultivating your chi and moving it throughout your body.

This conditioning is beneficial whether you spar, practice Tai Chi, or just wish to become healthier.


Our weapons are traditional, and each is used in either Kung Fu or Tai Chi, so if you take both classes, you will have similar forms with unique patterns and energies for each discipline.

Our weapons forms include the Shaolin Spear, the Shaolin Staff, the traditional Jian, the traditional Dao or Broadsword, traditional Fan, short sticks, and Nunchaku.

Weapon forms typically take longer than other forms, and you must know the fundamentals of stepping and movement to achieve success with the weapon.