
Affiliated schools

Somers, NY                                                                     

The Dragon and Crane                                                

Master John Scattaretico

Auburn IN.                                       

Hall of the Changing Dragon

Sifu Greg Vick

Mobile, AL                                                                        

Lotus and Dragon                                                          

Sifu Jay Proescher

Lee, Massachusetts

Hall of the Soaring Eagle (Berkshire Tai Chi)

Sifu Kathy Crowe & Sifu David Crowe

Huntersville, NC                                                          

Lake Norman Tai Chi                                                                    

Sifu Dale Guadagna                                                     

Weddington, NC

The Phoenix and Dragon

Sifu David Block

Columbia, SC

Balance Martial Arts

Sifu Wes Adams

Sister organizations.

Shaolin Temple Overseas Headquarters

Flushing, NY 11355.


Carolinas Association of Chinese martial arts, (CACMA)